Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Love is so bittersweet (it has its good moments and its bad)

No use crying over spilled milk (once it's done, it's done. just clean up, move on, and wipe up the mess)

You can't have your cake and eat it too (impossible to have it both ways)

An apple a day keeps the doctor away (being healthy->not sick)

Butterfingers (clumsy, not being able to hold onto something)

Bringing home the bacon (having financial responsibility)

A piece of cake (easy)

A bad egg (a bad person)

You shouldn't put all your eggs in one basket (Don't put all your hopes into one thing)

You're nuts/nutty (crazy)

A couch potato (lazy)

As easy as pie (something is easy)

cup of tea (enjoyable)

souped up (to be excited)

food for thought (piece of a person's mind)

Milking someone for all their worth (taking advantage of someone)

Fishy (suspicious)

like taking candy from a baby (easy)

Like two peas in a pod (very close friends)

Peachy (swell)

putting the icing on the cake (finishing the product)

cream of the crop (prized person)

when life hands you lemons, make lemonade (make the best of a bad situation)

sugar mama/papa (pimp like character)

say cheese

the apple doesn't fall far from the tree

who cut the cheese (who farted)

I'm in a pickle (in a rut/mess)

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